2 weeks of Beauty Captured

Monday, September 16, 2013

It seems these spring days are flying by & I can't  find time to put fingers to keyboard with all that needs to be done & all I hope to achieve. Two weeks have flown by with nary a beauty post & yet I try diligently to (almost) daily remember to capture a memory of some kind.  So today as the much needed rain falls quietly upon our land & the temperature descends accordingly, the indoors in calling & I will attempt to piece together this post before it gets too overwhelmingly big that I stop sharing my 'everyday beauty' altogether!   

Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Week One:

Monday 2nd... Poddy lambs 2013 which are just so very cute! (This is after they were fed ~ if it was before they would be under my feet :)

Tuesday 3rd... I always enjoy changing the annuals in this old wash tub in the front garden.  This year I chose a 'heirloom colour' pansy pack & I love the soft colours that it is producing.

Wednesday 4th... The view from our veranda across the front section of our land ~ I just love the beautiful green grass growing abundantly everywhere at the moment!

Thursday 5th... If you ever wonder why Australia's 'official' colours are green & gold you must visit Sunnyside in early Spring.  Everywhere are blossoms & the majority are gold!  These are from a nasty thorn bush up in Churchill forest, but it's blossoms remind me of soft pompoms!

Friday 6th... Our very first attempt at smoking our own bacon ~ the results weren't all that great, but we sure are learning a lot!

Week Two:
Monday 9th...Our industrious daughter mixing the custard for home-made chocolate ice cream!  It was delicious & it was gone very quickly!!!

Tuesday 10th... More spring blossoms that continue to fill the air with their subtle perfume!

Wednesday 11th... not beautiful in the least, but definitely interesting.  This frilled neck lizard was caught by our twins and gave us a wonderful display of it's aggressive behaviour before we released it into the garden!

Thursday 12th... It is always so exciting watching the seeds spring out of their dirt!  Our summer garden in it's earliest beginnings! This year I'm following  THIS seed-starting tutorial and keeping them inside until warmer days come.  It certainly has promoted quicker germination & growth rates. Today I get to commit 'plant murder'& cut down all but one seedling per pot!

Friday 13th....Frog eggs found in the dam water & promptly collected by Jud.  These are currently hatching tadpoles in a container on the school desk!

May we continue to look for the hidden beauty all around!

Joining Miranda again at:

The Pebble Pond
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