In Gratitude...

Friday, March 20, 2015

For puppy eyes...
And fuzzy peaches...

And children picking peach deliciousness from wild peach trees...

For homegrown tomatoes...

And beautiful butterflies...

For fluffy little chicks freshly hatched...

For eggs with the chance of producing more new life...

For new lego figures....and children who enjoy them!

For pretty flowers planted with a sweet little girl who declared they were her favourites, but I think it was more because I was taking the time to do something with her....

For farm fresh eggs being made into pies to share with friends...
... and for my old-fashioned kitchen tools!

For my nightly walk to the chicken coop and the first star of the evening!

For all these things & the many more blessings of which we are abundantly gifted!
~Thank you~

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