It's that time in my life....

Monday, April 6, 2009

.....that I've been dreading. Since the birth of the twins I've always thought of toilet training them with a shudder - I didn't enjoy TTing either of the other two, so thought double would be twice the trouble!!

Sorry for the dirty faces - they were having spaghetti for lunch when they felt the "call of nature!!"

Well good news.... it isn't!!!! In fact it's easier. I don't know if that's because my attitude is definitely more laid back this time around ( I had no intention of training them until they were 3, however they are ready!!) or if having 2 means that they only have to remember to go half as often because the other reminds them. Anyway I have been pleasantly surprised!!!! So far TTing has been a success. I had a laugh the other day when I remembered that exactly 4 years ago I was TTing Zai - I remember that the first time I took him out in undies was to the Easter flying in 2005!!!! - Maybe I should brave this one with all 4 in undies - or maybe not - that time Dave's mum was there to give me a hand with the many "rushes" to the toilets!!!

I must apologise for my slack posting this last week. Dave has had 2 assignments due (he's been doing a uni degree since before Ellie was born - think he'll finish hopefully before the next millennium!!! LOL) & he has pretty much lived on the computer whenever he's been at home this past week / weekend - this means I have to reduce my time on the computer - which I gladly do, although there's really nothing on TV to watch, so I've ended up going to bed earlier! (I know, I know, what's an assignment or 2 compared to blogging!!!!!?????!!! LOL - just joking!!)

This is a sample of our trit !

In other Sunnyside news - we sold our triticale!!! YAH Dave had dropped a sample off to a seller & we hadn't heard anything, so thought they may not have wanted any, however last Monday they called & requested to pick it up on Tuesday - all 25 tonnes!! Sadly I didn't remember to get any pictures, however it really was a massive truck that came & collected it (a B-double - I think they're called - I don't know truck lingo!!) Hope the dairy cows that are munching it right now are enjoying it!!

OK, so this is a dodgy pic, however I'd never seen inside a silo, so I had to put my camera into it & just press the button - this was the result!!! - completely empty!

So now we are planning in earnest for planting this year - in fact now the weather is cooler & we've had some rain it won't be long until we're out ploughing up the soil again!!! Dave is talking triticale again & some oats...... we shall see!!

You can see some of our neighbours have already started planting (that's the deep red soil you can see).

Hope you all had a lovely week & all the Qld mum's are enjoying your school holidays!!


Mum-me said...

That's great you sold all your crop. Good luck with the new planting - and good luck with the toilet training!

Bobbie-Jo said...

I had a horrible time TT my oldest 4 kids - the "twins" at the end were the easiest, although I didn't train them at the same time.

It must feel good to have income from such a down-to-earth profession. Agriculture has a foundational draw for me.

Grandma said...

Wow!!! I thought I was looking at pictures of two of your cousins - Brent & Dion! Brent was darker, but twinny on the right is the spitten image of Dion - sorry about calling him 'twinny on the right', but I couldn't tell who was who!!!! Glad to hear the triticale went! btw I think it's only the Mueller mums who have kids on holidays - they went back a week early in January & so have this week off! Will call you soon. Lots of love Mumxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Aunty Sel said...

Good job twinnies!! and Narn!! Glad its all going well!! Happy planting, hope old blue is ready for some hard work,

SF said...

Thanks for your post Renata! It's great to hear what you're up to :)
I can imagine doing the twins together would be easier, as you say it becomes a shared experience! Great to see your triticale harvest, it looks great! And yes, we will enjoy our holidays. :)

Haf Dozen Reasons....... said...

Hope you all great success in the TTing!! Out of my six kids I had two that were stubborn about it.

The real problem was training myself to take them often. I would get busy and forget about it!! Once I trained myself it was smooth sailing!! :)

the happy sparrow said...

hi there Renata!! I'm glad the TT is going well!! the boys look like they like the potties!! :)

I hope you have a really lovely Easter!
Love Martine

NITA said...

hi narn, yay im on holidays!
Happy good friday... me and chloe went to the festival of sails today and made our own shirts which are kinda wierd, but we like them =)... yay, twinnies, im so proud of you...
love you all lots and lots and lots...
Nita xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Kimmie said...

You are a busy mum...potty training and crop raising. I have never heard of that type of grain...but it looks wonderful. Congrats on your city folk sure catch on quick!

mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted

Mummy McTavish said...

YAY for potty time! can I send my darlin down to you? He's ready and can get it right if he can be bothered. He is just determined to be a baby and wear a baby nappy and the lure of being a big boy in big boy undies has nothing for him. I'm ready to pull out the big guns and tell him he's going back in the cot if he wants to be a baby... but I'm afraid he'll take me up on it...

At first I thought the grain was a picture of larvae of some sort, not sure why you would have taken a shot of a million larvae but that is what my brain said. Glad the story was so much happier than I was expecting or a second:)

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