How to melt this Mummy's heart!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Yesterday was one of those know the ones- you just want to rewind & start all over again.

The first Thursday in the month is when our home school group meets together at the city 1hr away, so I planned on that - unfortunately (& I have no idea why) I lost track of the time yesterday morning. It was only when one of the ladies called to say it was at a different venue that I really looked at the clock - 8:50am !! Because it starts at 10am, we have to leave around 9 to get there on time - none of us were dressed, morning tea wasn't packed, lunch wasn't packed, morning jobs weren't done..oh no!

We rushed around like chickens with their heads chopped off getting dressed. I grabbed the first decent outfit for each child & told them to go & get changed! Ellie couldn't find one of the shoes I told her to wear (in fact she couldn't find one of 3 different pairs & her boots were muddy), so in the end I told her to wear her sandels with her socks (a fashion rule I try never ever to break!). Finally all the children were sitting in the car & I had to cut up the cake I'd baked - as I cut it it just fell apart - I felt like crying (in fact I think I did). We left at 9:50am -oops!

H/s group went well & even though the children were disappointed not to have lunch with their friends (I didn't have time to pack it), they were placated with McDonalds! In the afternoon on these days I try & cramb in as much shopping as I can (this is because I only come to this city once a month), so they did very well as we rushed from shop to shop (thankfully I had a list of the exact shops I wanted to go to & what I wanted to get there). We always end the day with getting fuel & then going to the fruit & vege grocer & then to the bulk butcher shop. At the petrol station I bought some lollypops - as I got in the car I told the children that if they were good at the f&v & butcher, I would give them a lollypop on the way home....let's just say only Zai got a lollypop - the twins cried about this indecency until the next town (30mins away). I think my nerves are now shot!

Last night it was freezing cold - not just a bit cold, the kind of cold that let's you know that winter is well & truely here to stay. I decided after such a hectic & tiring day I would go to bed early & read for a while. I did my nightly rounds with all the children in their correct beds except for Eli who was in ours(I decided to keep him there - I love having a "little heater" in bed with me when it's cold). I read for a while & then heard one of the children up, after a bit of movement I went to investigate & found :
Jud & Zai had crept into Ellie's bed - they looked just so warm & snug I didn't have the heart move them!!

Awww how to melt your Mummy's heart!- one of those memories we'll cherish when they're all grown up!

Disclaimer: I'm not really sure why I wrote about my boring day, however it's been very therapeutic! - thanks for indulging me!


Anonymous said...

Hi Renata, I have been reading your blog and am enjoying it so just wanted to say hi and I'm here reading. I decided to comment for the first time today to let you know that it is just exactly those posts about your everyday stuff and how your day went from G to O that I, and I'm sure others, enjoy very much! It makes my life not look that crazy and lets me realise you have the same worries. So if you do more of these I'd be delighted to read!
BTW I am taking my hat off to you for homeschooling, good luck with it! Simone

Mum-me said...

We all have days like that! I've had moments like the lollipop incident when one or more children have screamed in the car for what seems like forever because they misbehaved and didn't get their treat/reward. Once the screaming was so loud I had to turn the radio up to drown it out.

The photo is precious. I bet they were warm all night sleeping together like that.

SF said...

There must be something in the air Renata- I had one of 'those days' today. :( So glad you too cry over things like a cake falling apart! Hugs to you from a fellow crazy-Mum, trying to do everything and rarely succeeding. :) We'll get there, by God's grace!!
Thanks so much for sharing.

Duckygirl said...

I love reading about everyday life...not boring at all! Thank you for sharing bits of your life with us :)


Leanne said...

Wow, I love ladies days out....alas, I haven't been anywhere by myself since pumpkins wore pajamas!

Your make up and hair looks great, I love it! You look so great.

I have days where I want to rewind everything and just start at the beginning.....yelling at my kids, being frustrated, house never clean, constantly saying things over and over again....but I'm so glad God's memory has a rewind, and all of that yelling and frustration is erased!!

Do you Aussies have Espresso stands on the side of the roads where you can get coffees? A Big Train is a blended coffee drink with flavours added to it. I make them at home in my blender. If you want I can email you an easy recipe that you too can become addicted to!!!

I guess all of my comments to my friends are so long and wordy....that's me!

Too bad you live on the other side of the world from me.....I'd love to get together and talk your ear off. LOL!

Take care and thanks for visiting my blog and leaving comments.

Haf Dozen Reasons....... said...

Aaaaw. What sweeties!

What a great Princess Day you had! All the pampering then you arrive in time for your favorite meal!

debi9kids said...

Not boring at all. It's a chance to see what your normal day to day is like and I enjoy it :)

Glad you were able to get everything done, even though you were in a rush.

LOVE the 3 kiddies sleeping together! ADORABLE!

Aunty Sel said...

Hey Narn,
They look so cute!!!
Can't wait to see you all!!

Cheryl Lage said...

Boring? No way! The day you had (and those precious heads on the pillow) SOOOO make motherhood the wonderful ride it is. :)

Thanks for sharing the joy. :)

Grandma said...

Don't you just love those days???? How long did they stay in Ellie's bed, or did they all eventually end up in a different (bigger & more people bed??????????) lol!!!
Hope the cake tasted nice - I'm sure it did!!!!!
Lots of love to all

Aunty Elysia said...

Awww they can come and snuggle up in my bed anyway! How cute...
Ah, i'm sure I heard mum chuckling when she read the description of your day.. Don't stress about running late, it's hereditary... i'm learning to accept that.. haha.

Love you heaps,
EJ xox

Kimmie said...

Some days are just long...some over filled and some days the mum's do have to just let some tears roll. So glad God blessed you with your wee ones all cosied up together.

sending a hug...and it wasn't boring a bit.

mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted

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