Our local show

Friday, December 4, 2015

  I told you yesterday that I would be playing catch up here on the blog....and so it begins!
Back in September, the highland dancing class which Ellie & Jud attend was asked to perform at the local show.  A rural show is an interesting place.  It is much smaller to it's city counterparts, but the local community really gets behind it and so an interesting mix of performances & exhibitions occur.  Most years the dancers are asked to perform & so this year Ellie & Jud both donned their kilts & took to the stage! 
I wasn't even sure if we'd all go to the show or if I'd just take these two along for their performance.  We had three extra children that weekend & just the thought of taking all 7 children was a little daunting (especially when you just never know how other children will behave).  However, 15 minutes before we had to leave we decided to take everyone - the extra children hadn't been to a show before & we thought they would enjoy it.  This sudden change in plans meant I made sure faces were clean & they all had shoes on.  It wasn't until we were going in the entrance gate that I realised how dirty their clothes all were from playing outside that morning.  So yes, I was that woman with loads of dirty children....sigh...

 My favourite part of any show is the poultry exhibition.  Unfortunately there are no cows, although there are always (always, always...) sheep (at least here in the middle of sheep country).. 
I love seeing the variety of breeds that are included in the poultry area. All kinds of chickens of various shapes, sizes & colours can be found there.  The ducks fascinated a certain little boy...although certainly not me.  I remember those renegade ducks we had & how they ate the chicken eggs & made a mess everywhere - no ducks for us!

We let the children choose one ride to go on.  The five youngest chose a big jumping castle, slide thing (yes, descriptive aren't I).  They seemed to have fun.  Whenever they appeared at the bottom, they were laughing & eager to go up the stairs again & again! 

Ellie chose to ride the cha cha all by herself!  She went on one a few years ago with her grandma & since that has been wanting another go.  There was no way that Zai or I would accompany her (weak stomachs).  Dave didn't want to go, so she just went on it alone!  Brave girl!

The children loved the baby animal petting area, even though they've had most of the animals at home at one time or another.  Babies are just so cute no matter what kind they are!


By the time we headed home, everyone was ready for a restful evening! 
And the true highlight of the show ...oh that would be the Highland dancers of course (but you knew I'd say that)!

Have a lovely day friends!
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